Dealing with war crimes by your soldiers
Reading of American soldiers killing civilians in Afghanistan brings horror to anyone. Murder of innocents is what the other side does, not us. Though we kill thousands via bombing and drone strikes, there are no repercussions or trials for killing by remote technology, only fascination and exhibits in the Smithsonian . Our outrage is reserved for those who murder in person. One day while popping around wikipedia, I ran across an article of American war atrocities in WWII. Inhuman actions by Americans in the war against Japan are well known today, partially due to the lack of quarter given by either side in the ferocious fighting on the islands of the Pacific. The volume of atrocities performed by the Japanese upon prisoners as well as the peoples of Asia overshadow the American acts. Less known are the acts by Americans in the European war. Again the inhumanity of the Germans drastically overshadows American actions, which were in turn...