Pakistani family and American drones
As you read this at your computer, millions of people are at their computers, posting on facebook pictures of their cat sleeping on a couch, dog staring at the camera, child playing with a toy, drunk friend wearing a Halloween costume. Millions of people are watching a video on youtube or a porn site on their computer. Millions more at their computers are buying a book, sweater, ipod, or plane ticket online. At the same time, a few young guys are sitting down, with their coffee in air-conditioned buildings on bland military bases , at their computers with video screens above, about to kill people on the other side of the world. They will find people on the screens and, with the approval of guys a little older drinking their coffee, push a button to launch a missile that will blow up everything they see on the screen. Last year, two young men who happened to be muslim set off bombs in Boston that killed three people who happened to be Ame ricans. The same day, a guy who happene...