Hatred of AOC

I am fascinated by the fixation on Alexandrisa Ocasio-Cortez among conservatives.  Usually conservatives fixate on figures who possesses significant power: the president, a governor, the house speaker.  A now two term member of congress does not typically have much influence on the workings of government, but she is a prominent target of the political right.

They proclaim her progressive policy initiatives, none of which are likely to be adopted, are socialist.  Conservatives belittle her youth and lack of experience, though the election of Madison Cawthorn, a white, conservative Republican male congressman younger than her without a college degree and very little work experience does not seem to be very much of a problem.  She is derisively considered a media darling because she uses social media adeptly for fundraising and messaging, though Donald Trump's and other conservatives' use of the same is considered freedom of speech.  Because she can finally afford to buy professional clothing, she is vilified for being a fashion hound, an example the of double standard for women and their attire--I don't think millionaire Mitch McConnell buys his suits from Men's Warehouse, yet no one comments on his tailored suits or cufflinks.  

Some have written that the vitriol against her comes from embedded racism in our society, as any entrance into the halls of power by a previously oppressed minority is an affront to the status quo.  Her association with other women of color newly elected to congress in 2018 was greeted with much the same horror and dismay amongst subtle and not-so-subtle racists as the election of Barack Obama.  Conflating progressive legislation with people of color is an old tactic to appeal to conservative, perhaps somewhat racist, white voters. Putting a photo of her on fundraising letters or emails by Republican candidates for office is an effective way to raise money from conservative donors.  

Some consider the conservative response to her is a form of sexism.  A young woman in power is often seen as a threat to any male without power or to men fearful of losing power.  The "Squad" together with the large class of female freshman members of congress in 2019 was a challenge the male dominated status quo, particularly to the Republican party which years ago had similar and sometimes stronger female representation in government compared with Democrats but has gradually abandoned women over the past four decades.

Though there is probably something to the charges of implicit racism and sexism, and many folk are alarmed at progressive policies that still benefit much of the population, but I think the bulk of conservative response to her is more primal:  to a conservative man, she is the vivacious young woman who wouldn't touch his dick for a million dollars when he was young.  When a video of her dancing with college classmates surfaced, many comments by men revealed the bitterness of a lifetime of rejection by attractive women.   I remember seeing this meme a couple years ago and it stuck with me. 

Some have written that one never truly leaves high school, that the feelings and biases formed in those years become an integral part of who we are.   Unrequited love and rejection in those years, though sometimes considered forgotten, still linger in our responses to people and experience.  A young woman like AOC may not have been interested in a conservative male when he was young, and, frankly, though he's not conscious of it, he's still mad about it.


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