Happy Anniversary!

Yippee!  Woohoo!  Yea!

Um, anniversary of what?

Well, it's not a big anniversary.  It's not my marriage anniversary.  Not even a friend of a friend's work anniversary that linked-in keeps notifying me of.  It's been one year since I started this blog with comments about Beyonce lip syncing at the Inauguration.  'Wrote a fair bit since then.  Some was even read.  According to the statistics kept by blogger, these are my most viewed posts:

  1. MPC Miniature Military Vehicles: 1960s toys - about miniature plastic toy tanks from my childhood
  2. Sharing my name - about the guitar player from RATT and his sharing or taking over my name for all eternity
  3. A year ago, I buried my parents - on the anniversary of my parents' death
  4. Important Baseball Statistics - End of Regular Season - about the money and team performance in the MLB
  5. Come on in the Cathedral--if you have $10 - thoughts on the Cathedral charging an entrance fee
  6. Power of Prayer Flags - thoughts on the symbolism of Tibetan prayer flags
  7. The Government Shutdown: Follow the money - about the donors who supported the Congressmen who shut down the government
  8. Beyonce fesses to lip-sync at inauguration - FIRST POST! - about the entertainer's strange priorities
  9. Daytrading toy soldiers pt 2 of 2 - about my noble addiction to trading toy soldiers
  10. Flipping toy soldiers on ebay--a good haul - an anecdote about a good day of day trading

Ok, the statistics include many page views by porn spammers in Russia and Malaysia--thanks for the love you guys, really, hope it was good for you too.  Some are about toys, some about me, some about current events.  Actually most of them were posts that I linked to from Facebook.

Are these among my favorite posts?  A couple are, #s 2 & 3.  Some of the posts were written for the sake of writing, to keep what chops I have somewhat in working order.  Much of the rest doesn't really warrant a read unless you're a music dork, toy soldier geek, or politics junkie--no judging here, as I am all of the above--but I think some are worth reading.  I've listed some listed below, if you didn't get a chance to read the first time.

Growing up and living in DC, I can't help but be somewhat interested in politics.  These are pretty good, methinks.   Ok, a little lefty, but I am what I am.

Pakistani family and American drones - about Pakistani family coming here to talk about our killing of family members by a drone strike
Republican Women in Congress: an Endangered Species? - Statistics on women in congress
Legalize all weapons - a Modest Proposal - Swift thoughts about gun control
Bin Laden won - thoughts about the war on terror

Also something I learned about as my parents declined in assisted living facilities.

A couple reactions to reading books, it so happens by the same author.  The books are probably more worth reading than my thoughts about them.  Go read them if you haven't.  He has a new book out now, which I cannot wait to read.

And one about toys that I find worthwhile.

Old Dinky toy tank - ruminations on a 70 year old toy

I'll keep on writing, as eventually I will have something worth saying and sometimes worth reading.


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